by Kyle Stevenson | Jan 21, 2021 | Canine Cancer Treatment
My dog has cancer, now what can we do? “THERE IS NOTHING MORE THAT WE CAN DO.” This uttered phrase is perhaps worse than hearing the phrase, “Your dog has cancer.” It sears you like a red-hot fire iron, the resulting burn creating a much longer-acting pain than the...
by NCCF Editor | Mar 20, 2017 | Canine Cancer Treatment
A new drug, HylaPlat, has produced high cure rates for many different forms of Canine Cancer. By way of targeting the cancer, and directly injecting it with Hylaplat chemotherapy, results have been dramatically improved locally, as well as systemically. So far the...
by NCCF Editor | Jan 23, 2017 | Canine Cancer Treatment
If your vet breaks the news to you that your dog has cancer, this can be just as shocking and frightening as learning that any other member of your family has cancer too. Fortunately just as is the case with most human cancers, most of the common cancers that face...
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