If your vet breaks the news to you that your dog has cancer, this can be just as shocking and frightening as learning that any other member of your family has cancer too. Fortunately just as is the case with most human cancers, most of the common cancers that face dogs can be treated or managed, particularly if caught early enough before they spread.

When your vet gives you your dog’s diagnosis, they will likely follow up on this immediately by talking to you about the fine details of the condition, the type of cancer, severity of the malignancy and your dog’s chances of survival and recovery-and they will also talk to you about the various options available for treating the condition too.

Two treatments that are commonly used to treat different types of cancers and send them into remission are chemotherapy and radiotherapy respectively-and these can be used either as a standalone method of treatment, or to accompany surgery to remove tumors.

However, many laypersons are unclear as to the difference between chemotherapy and radiotherapy and their different applications, which can make understanding the different treatment options and how they work somewhat confusing. To read more, click here

Source: Pets4Homes