10 Early Signs & Symptoms Of Dog Cancer

10 Early Signs & Symptoms Of Dog Cancer

About 1/3 of dogs will develop cancer at some point in their lifetimes and even more alarming is the fact that approximately 50% of those dogs will succumb to their cancer. Everyone who loves dogs and wants to be the best steward they can be for them needs to know the...
9 Dog Breeds Most Prone to Canine Cancer

9 Dog Breeds Most Prone to Canine Cancer

While cancer can unfortunately strike any breed of dog at any age, there are certain breeds that have higher instances of the disease. We’ve asked the experts to share breeds with higher rates of cancer, what types of cancer seem to be the most prevalent among these...
What You Should Know About Canine Cancer

What You Should Know About Canine Cancer

November marks National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Over 50 percent of dogs over the age of 10 develop cancer at some point, meaning it’s quite possible that you have been affected by canine cancer, or will lose a much-loved dog to the disease in the future. It’s hard...