Dealing With The Loss Of A Dog | NCCF

Dealing With The Loss Of A Dog | NCCF

Losing a dog is hard.  Losing a dog to cancer or any other illness at a young age or earlier than expected is even harder.  There are many people among our friends and family who do not understand why the loss of a dog would be so hard.  However, there are also many...
When To Say Goodbye To Your Dog With Cancer

When To Say Goodbye To Your Dog With Cancer

Current statistics show that one out of every three dogs will get cancer. If you have a sick pet, one of the most difficult decisions is when to put down a dog with cancer. Many dog cancers are treatable, but how do you know when to say goodbye to your dog? This is a...
Saying Goodbye to your Dog

Saying Goodbye to your Dog

For many of us dog-owners, our dogs aren’t just dogs!  They are a much-loved part of the family who provide us with companionship and love us unconditionally. They are an important part of our daily routines and our lives. When they are sick or get hurt, it can...
Out With the Dogs: When is the right time?

Out With the Dogs: When is the right time?

I have been fortunate, through the years, to have had the privilege of living with many great dogs and I anticipate having several more before its all over. I have loved them all, though some were very special to me. When I think of them a warm feeling washes over me...