I have been fortunate, through the years, to have had the privilege of living with many great dogs and I anticipate having several more before its all over. I have loved them all, though some were very special to me. When I think of them a warm feeling washes over me and I can clearly picture each one. It is with joy and humor I remember my old dogs, not sadness or grief. The grief of their passing is always intense, but thankfully, doesn’t last too long.

I admit, during the first day or two of mourning, I have briefly thought I would never love another dog as much or find another dog as good. Although I’m not an actively religious person, I believe the good Lord gave us pets, with their short life spans, to help us learn to deal with the most important aspects of living: love, responsibility, death and grief. “It is always said that however many wonderful and happy years a dog lives, you know that one day, the day he dies, your dog will break your heart.” Quoted from Favorite Dog Stories by James Herriot. …to read full story click here

Source: Paradise Post