January is underway, but it’s not too late to consider New Year’s resolutions.

Whether your original vows have fallen by the wayside, or you’ve decided to add another, resolving to improve your life is a win-win for sure. And if you’re fortunate enough to have Fido or Fluffy gracing your family, then choosing a New Year’s resolution that benefits both you and your furry friend is a bonus.

Here are a couple of ideas to help get you started:

Resolve to quit smoking. Indeed, for smokers, kicking the habit can be difficult. If you haven’t succeeded in the past, consider how your smoking affects Fido and Fluffy. Secondhand and thirdhand smoke have deleterious health effects for pets. This should not come as a surprise, as one burned cigarette can release more than 7,000 chemicals.

Most people understand secondhand smoke. What about thirdhand smoke? This affects pets, too. Thirdhand smoke is the smoke residue that lingers in the environment, such as on furniture, walls and clothing. Thirdhand smoke, with all its toxins and carcinogens, also lingers on pet fur. Pets that spend a lot of time inside, such as indoor cats, cannot escape these chemicals. They breathe them, walk and sleep on them, and ingest these chemicals whenever they groom themselves. …Read full article at The Daily News of Newburyport

Source: newburyportnews.com