A Veterinarian Shares 10 Critical Warning Signs of Cancer in Dogs

The Truth About Pet Cancer

The Animal Cancer Foundation estimates that nearly 12 million pets are diagnosed with cancer each year. Cancer is never easy to talk about—which is exactly why pet parents need to strike up a conversation before their pet gets sick. Dealing with cancer can be...
To the owner of the Pet with Cancer

To the owner of the Pet with Cancer

First off, I want to tell you I’m sorry. I am so sorry you’ve received the news that your pet has cancer. My heart is broken for you. I remember the day Ellie was diagnosed and sinking against the back door and holding her and bawling. I know the feeling of...
9 Dog Breeds Most Prone to Canine Cancer

9 Dog Breeds Most Prone to Canine Cancer

While cancer can unfortunately strike any breed of dog at any age, there are certain breeds that have higher instances of the disease. We’ve asked the experts to share breeds with higher rates of cancer, what types of cancer seem to be the most prevalent among these...