Merry Christmas and HOPE for a Cancer Free New Year

Merry Christmas and HOPE for a Cancer Free New Year

Merry Christmas! All the gifts have been wrapped, the hurried hustle of getting ready for the holiday is coming to a close.  Now, it is time for rest and celebration.  A time to spend with our family and friends, laughing, enjoying good food and presents.  We hope you...
10 Tips For Navigating Tough Decisions About Your Dog

10 Tips For Navigating Tough Decisions About Your Dog

Many of us—myself included—live in dread of receiving bad news about our pets. We fear the moment when, looking at our vet’s face or hearing her voice, we know that something is seriously wrong. Unfortunately, given the short lifespan of our beloved furry family...
Out With the Dogs: When is the right time?

Out With the Dogs: When is the right time?

I have been fortunate, through the years, to have had the privilege of living with many great dogs and I anticipate having several more before its all over. I have loved them all, though some were very special to me. When I think of them a warm feeling washes over me...
I love my job!

I love my job!

This falls under the header of I love my job! I received an email from Amber the other day and she was asking me to verify our mailing address and company information as she was getting ready to sign up for another year of payroll donations through her employer, who...
Meet Hooch, Mast Cell Survivor!

Meet Hooch, Mast Cell Survivor!

I want you to meet Hooch, a 100 lb Pit Bull who is surviving Mast Cell Cancer.  Hooch and his Mom, Sherry tell his interesting story.  This story will shout out to you that you should check your dog at least once a month for lumps or bumps and then it will give you...