The Jack Russell with a bucket list

The Jack Russell with a bucket list

Bernard has a bucket list. It’s not unusual to have one – many people do. But Bernard is not a person, he’s a dog. A dog with two months – three at the most – to live. Our family – me, my wife, Tracey, and our children, Sophie and Adam – adopted Bernard, a white and...
How to Help Your Dog with Cancer When He Won’t Eat

How to Help Your Dog with Cancer When He Won’t Eat

When we are helping our beloved dog through a cancer journey we realize how vital food is in the equation. The body must be supported with beautiful, life enhancing nutrition to feed the organs and support the immune system, which in turn makes our dog stronger to get...
What You Should Know About Canine Cancer

What You Should Know About Canine Cancer

November marks National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Over 50 percent of dogs over the age of 10 develop cancer at some point, meaning it’s quite possible that you have been affected by canine cancer, or will lose a much-loved dog to the disease in the future. It’s hard...
Keep your dog safe and happy this Halloween

Keep your dog safe and happy this Halloween

Halloween is full of both tricks and treats, but pet parents should be careful not to let their pets accidentally scarf down too much of the latter. In the blink of an eye, chocolate candy intended to end up in pumpkin-shaped buckets may end up in your pup’s tummy....
Dog Health Care: How to Take Care of A Senior Dog

Dog Health Care: How to Take Care of A Senior Dog

As your dog ages, he will be needing a different dog health care than the younger dogs. Just like us humans, when a dog ages, he becomes more susceptible to certain health conditions such as arthritis that can slow him down. With proper care, you can help your senior...