citzo was diagnosed with lymphoma and started chemotherapy 2/13/08. She has officially been in remission since 2/20/08. She did 6 months of the Madison Wisconsin protocol and has not had any maintenance chemo. Scitzo suffered side effects from the chemo and some were pretty strange. She had pneumonia, UTIs, bladder infections and diarrhea. She acquired a taste for clothing and wash cloths and ate them whenever possible. She also developed a tendency to steal items, her favorite being shoes and would carry them around in her mouth. For anyone thinking about chemo, please remember that each dog responds differently. Pretreating can be very helpful and many side effects can be eliminated with medication changes. We are so grateful for the time we have with Scitzo, however long it lasts. We know we have been very lucky (we lost Oneida to lymphoma 3/4/09). Cheryl & Scitzo (33 months remission and still going) and Angel Oneida