Dog Cancer Prevention
Learn how to check your dog for cancers or other warning signs of ill health and what you can do to help.
Newly Diagnosed Dogs
What you should do when your dog is diagnosed with cancer – resources, and advice from veterinarians.
of dogs will be diagnosed with cancer…
Scientific Advisory Board Members
research grants in the total of $849,740 have been donated by NCCF & partners…
survival rate that dogs survive cancer diagnosis..
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“The passion that moves us forward is from experiencing what cancer really does to the ones we love. We are driven because there is a hole in our soul where once was the love of our dog.”
– Gary D. Nice, Founder, and President NCCF
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A helpful guide in dealing with the loss of your best friend
- Have a journal to look back on
- Specific prompts to record happy memories
- 18 pages of prompts to explore your thoughts and memories