We are so sorry to hear that your dog has been diagnosed with cancer. I know you are saying, my dog has cancer, what do I do now? We know you are shocked, scared and need a lot of information right now. There are going to be a lot of difficult decisions on this journey.
When each member of the NCCF team found out that our dog had cancer we started researching. We wondered what questions we needed to ask and how were we going to pay for this? We need the next step and the reassurance we were headed in the right direction. We have put together some information that we hope will get you headed in the right direction and you can answer the question of my dog has cancer, now what.

Question #1: Is this cancer diagnosis a death sentence?
In short, no, a cancer diagnosis is not always a death sentence. We recommend that you always get two veterinary opinions with the second one hopefully being an oncologist. Here are a few articles of interest that will help you through this.
Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence.
Wise words from Paws4Potter vet, Dr. Kyle Stevenson about hearing the worst news you thought possible, but coming out optimistic.
Survivor Stories
Enjoy some stories of dogs who have beat cancer.

Question #2: What questions do I need to ask my vet?
Now that you’ve received the news, what’s next? Having an open line of communication with your vet during this journey is crucial not only for your dog but for you. At this stage of the journey you may need to find a veterinary oncologist for a second opinion and/or for treatment.
Questions to ask after diagnosis.
Questions to Ask Your Veterinarian or Veterinary Oncologist About Your Dog’s Cancer Diagnosis
What to Expect
Dr. Kyle walks you through what to expect as you go on this canine cancer journey.
Stages of Cancer
On this journey your dog’s cancer will be staged. Use this guide to understand what that means for you and your dog.

Question #3: How am I going to pay for this?
After diagnosis a treatment plan is setup with your veterinarian or veterinarian oncologist. You’re already in shock over everything up to this point and now you need to figure out how to continue financially. Visit the articles below on our blog for information and helpful tips.
Is pet insurance necessary?
A dog owner’s perspective on the importance of the right pet insurance.
Financial Support Options
Find options to help with the financial side of canine cancer treatment and care.
7 Fundraising Ideas
How to help pay for your dog’s cancer treatment costs: 7 Fundraising Ideas

Other Resources:
Research is never ending when it comes to a cancer diagnosis. We also know that when you’re faced with your dog’s diagnosis, you may have questions about other things outside of the cancer itself. Below are some links to help.
ACVIM Finder
A great source to use for finding a veterinary specialist in your area.
Ask The Doctor
Ask The Doctor connects you with Dr. Michael Kent and other researchers that donate their time to support the fight against canine cancer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about the foundation, cancer information, resources and more.