Keep Your Dog Healthy Year Round!
As a concerned dog owner, you now know how critical Checking Your Dog once a month is to keep your dog healthy. We want to help you keep the habit going with this FREE yearly dog planner and wellness journal – ready for instant download and printing.

Get My Free Dog Planner & Wellness Journal Now!
Use This Complimentary Wellness Journal To Track
When you use the dog planner wellness journal, after you do the 11 points Check Your Dog list, you can enter some fun things you did with your favorite pup as well as any new tricks they learned and a new picture from that month. If you are a dog sports competitor, this is a great spot to keep track of Q’s, Best of Breeds, and the notes you need to improve on for the next show. After the year is complete you will have a nice keepsake in addition to all of the health information you need all in one dog planner.
Get Updates on Important News & Dog Gear Specials
Plus, we’ll add you to our newsletter and information list so you can stay up to date on all the latest research and gear from the National Canine Cancer Foundation.

Ways to Use the Dog Planner
The calendar pages offer you some monthly challenges to help the fight against cancer in dogs. The challenges are simple, like giving out Check Your Dog cards to friends and family or telling your story if you have been affected by cancer. There is also room for notes in your monthly dog planner and you can include important dates – like your dog’s birthday or gotcha day.
Bonus Tip: You can take the planner file to your local office supply store and have them print it out and spiral bind it with a clear plastic cover. It’s inexpensive – and you can usually do the order from the comfort of your home and then pick it up when it’s ready. Alternately, you could print it out on your home printer, three-hole punch it, and put it in a binder if that suits your dog planner style better!
Check Your Dog
If you need a refresher on how to Check Your Dog in detail, visit our Dog Cancer Prevention Page. You will also find some social media graphics for sharing there.
Don’t forget to share this page with all your dog friends who might be searching for a good, inexpensive dog planner. The National Canine Cancer Foundation’s Planner and Wellness Journal could be just what they are looking for too!