Questions to Ask Your Vet After a Canine Cancer Diagnosis
We have put together a FREE downloadable that has all the questions that you need to ask at your first consultation. This resource was written by a veterinarian, Dr. Kyle Stevenson, who has lost her dog to cancer. She has used her education and experience to put a complete list of questions that you can ask your vet in order to get the information you need to make critical decisions for your dog.

Download our Free Ask the Vet Guide!
How to Use This Complimentary Set of Questions:
We designed this to be ready for instant download and printing. Along with the questions we have provided ample space for you to write the answers and take extra notes. Let’s face it, there will be information overload at this visit and you want to be able to have notes to look back on as you digest the information and plan out your dog’s cancer journey.
Get Updates and Important News:
Additionally, we’ll add you to our newsletter and information list so you can stay up to date on all the latest research, and education from the National Canine Cancer Foundation.

Next Steps for your Canine Cancer Journey
Now would be the time to put together a treatment binder, starting with this printable set of questions. You will be receiving quotes for treatment and test results, all of which you will want to start to put together in one place.
If you would like to review the original article written by Dr. Kyle Stevenson that talks about these questions, you can find it on our blog, here.
Check Your Dog
As you go through treatment or as the disease progresses and regresses you will need to continue the Check Your Dog protocols. Only now, instead of once a month, it will be more often and you will want to make notes on anything from diet, response to meds, temperament before and after treatment and urination/deification habits and consistencies. Adding these types of notes to your treatment binder will help you to remember all the information to take to appointments and review with your vet for any treatment needs or changes.